November 7 , 2019 | Events
A day full of pampering for cancer volunteers
We are honoured and happy, once again, to have shared a day with a group of heroines: the volunteers at the Spanish Cancer Association (AECC).
The AECC integrates volunteers, collaborators and professionals who combine their efforts in a single direction: to prevent, create awareness and accompany cancer patients and their families. Volunteerism is one of the fundamental pillars of this non-profit association and, therefore, it is a wonderful opportunity to pamper them so they can leave their problems aside for a while.
Bella Aurora arrived at the AECC offices and transformed them into an improvised laboratory. With smiles, the volunteers created their own serum and enjoyed a beauty session to get to know the essence of the brand. Bella Aurora's mission that day was to make this group of superwomen feel pampered so they could go home full of energy to continue helping their loved ones.
We hope we managed to do so!